Reflect with Me

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Over the span of just three months in college, so many great memories and great lessons were learned, I needed to write them down. The hours I spent reflecting, yielded so many great benefits, I started making it a habit to reflect every three months. Over the course of past three years, I have noticed advantages very clearly as I've continued this habit every three months.

  1. Clarity- So much happens in three months, it's hard to nail down your top five my impactful discoveries. BUT, once you do, those lessons help your get clear on what the past three months helped you understand. When you look back, whether it be in a year or ten years, you will have clarity on what discoveries you learned.
  2. Closure- Sometimes, lessons not written down can be forgotten. When lessons are forgotten, the problems often get repeated. When you write down the discovery, often times it is much harder to repeat the same mistake because you got closure on the importance of the discovery. 
  3. Craving- Once you start nearing the end of the reflection period, a question starts popping up, "What are the discoveries I will learn in this next season of life?". There is this craving to know what the future holds. This excitement produces hope and a drive to make it a wonderful next three months.

As I head into this reflection series, would you spend an hour over the next couple days reflecting with me on the most impactful discoveries that you have made?

What are the most impactful discoveries you have made over the past three months?


Top 5 most Impactful Discoveries Pt. 1


My 4 Week Journey!